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A gem that provides and activerecord like object for interacting with the yelp V2 api

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A gem that provides and ActiveRecord like object for interacting with the yelp V2 api

Why Yelp4Rails?

Because working with an api should be no different that working with a database.


Version 2 now supports the new Rails 4 style of query using the find_by(params_hash) method. This version is backward compatible with Version 1.x.x but future versions will drop the search_by_term_and_location(:term, :location) meta programming style methods handling.

Consider Yourself Warned!


require 'yelp4rails'

keys = {consumer_key: 'key', 
          consumer_secret: 'secret', 
          token: 'token', 
          token_secret: 'tsecret'}
yelp =

## Search like its an active record model ##

#search with term and location
yelp.find_by(term: 'bar', location: 'San Francisco, CA')

#search with term, location, and sort
yelp.find_by(term: 'restaurant', location: 'San Francisco, CA', sort: '2')

#search by business id
yelp.find_by(business_id: 123)

... you get the idea ;)

supported query params